Home Digital Marketing Content Guides for FMCG Products in a Website

Content Guides for FMCG Products in a Website

by Master Fool

I noticed that a lot of FMCG content related websites are mostly about the corporation and the products and assortments available. Some companies cut down its costing and only maintained a one pager website whereas on the other end of the extreme, some have really good animation and interactive visuals to capture the audience. Just like any other projects or forms of campaigns, we always need to create an objective as to why you are creating the website in the first place. Jumping on to the bandwagon just because everyone is on it most of the time likely would bring you to a destination that you do not want to be in. So here, I would like to share with you some of the content guides to maintaining a FMCG product based website.

Content guide for FMCG products in website #1

List down clear objectives of why you are building this website for your brand

Content guide for FMCG products in website #2 

If you plan your annual leaves and vacations, you definitely need to plan your website as well. List down what you require in this site, a normal site usually contains a front page or known as a landing page, a contact us page, a page on product information and about us. I would highly recommend you get a page that serves as a blog as well as Google search engine crawls for key words and a page that has content would bring in more visitors

Content guide for FMCG products in website #3

Maintain a blog page only if you plan on updating it regularly as old contents not only do not serve relevancy it also gives off impression to visitors that no one bothers this site

Content guide for FMCG products in website #4

Figure out the keywords that you would like to relate your brand or product to and make sure it gets included into your site

Content guide for FMCG products in website #5

Some site gives too much information and some sites do not put in enough information. While identifying who this site is serving to, make sure that these information are included in the interests of these visitors as sometimes lack or too much information may deter

Content guide for FMCG products in website #6

Remember to always link your site back to your e-commerce page if you have any. After all, you do wish that interested visitors would know where to purchase your product as well


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